Archive for June 8th, 2010

June 8, 2010

Hair it is.

by The Oven

I’ve always been thankful that I am a natural blonde, because I am a hairy little thing, and my one saving grace is that it is light colored hair.  Thankfully, from a few feet away, you can’t tell that I am a hairy beast. I realize, and have been assured by the Missus, that I am in reality “not that hairy”, but it is my personal demon to wrestle.

But this morning, I was having a very peaceful wake-up, all snugly and cuddly as the sun was brightening the bedroom… and she did it. She reached over and petted my tummy.  Yup, petted, just like you might pet the family hound. And for the first time in 6 years, she agreed with me that I am, in fact, turning into a monkey.

Because my entire tummy is furry!  

Also, my arm hairs seem to be about 1/2 an inch longer than they normally are, and I keep getting one black chin hair (that gets plucked as soon as it breaks the surface….).  My ultimate fear is that someone will want to see my pregnant belly and will be confronted with Robin William’s tummy.  

It looks like I am going to have to put my esthetician on speed dial and get a weekly wax.  Otherwise, people, you might not recognize me after a few months of all of this hair growth.
